Considerations for Water Safety

PGOSA Paddlers – Considerations for Water Safety

Here are important considerations for having a safe and fun time while on the water.

Paddling craft:  canoes and kayaks suitable for the planned event, forecasted weather conditions and capable of keeping pace with the paddling group during an event. Craft should have isolated flotation compartments in both the bow and stern and should have aft and fore-mounted perimeter grab ropes.

There are many unsuitable inflatable kayaks for our group, but there are also extremely seaworthy ones, from companies such as Sea Eagle and Advanced Elements, whose kayaks are specifically designed for turbulent rivers or choppy ocean waters. There are also solid (hard shell) kayaks which are unsuitable.

If you have any questions re appropriate craft, please contact

A motorized watercraft may accompany the group for safety.

Items to bring with you: Water safety is paramount. Transport Canada requires paddlers to carry certain safety items depending on the type and length of their craft and where and when they are paddling. For the safety of individual participants and all members of a paddling group, all participants are requested to have this equipment on their craft and to carry a change of seasonally-appropriate clothes in a dry bag.

Please make sure that you bring a fully-charged cellphone – in a waterproof bag

Mandatory Safety Equipment

·         An appropriately-sized, Transport Canada approved PFD

·         A buoyant heaving line (15 metres in length)

·         Paddle (with drip rings)

·         Hand Pump

·         Sound signalling device - Whistle

Recommended gear

·         Sprayskirt

·         Extra Paddle

·         Paddle Float – inflatable if possible

·         Kayak wheels with bungee cord for transporting kayak on land

·         Extra Change of clothes, food and emergency kit  – in Dry Bags

·         Chart or map – in waterproof map case

·         Trip Plan left with a friend

·         GPS or Magnetic Compass – deck or hand held

·         Headlamp with batteries for evening and night kayaking

·         Sunscreen

·         Sunglasses

·         Hat

·         Raingear


Emergency Kit – in a dry bag


·         First Aid Kit

·         Knife

·         Waterproof matches and fire starter

·         Mirror


Considerations for the trips

Plan to arrive at the starting or launch site at least 45 minutes before the start of the trip. Most trips are on the water at 10:00 am sharp so please arrive by 9:15 to checkin and attend the pre-trip Safety Meeting which will start shortly after 9:30. Stay with your paddling group and heed directions from the designated Event Leader. Consider that non-metal boats are invisible on the radar systems of larger boats. In high traffic waters or in restricted visibility (fog) you might want a GPS and a radio telephone to advise bigger boats of your location.

Individuals are responsible for their own safety and for learning kayaking and canoeing skills appropriate for the waters being paddled, for learning first aid and how to handle emergencies, and for knowing relevant provincial and federal boating regulations.

For information about required equipment, regulations or guidelines refer to:

Operating a human-powered craft: (Transport Canada) Transport Canada Guide for Kayaks and Canoes

Human Powered Pleasure Craft – shows the Transport Canada approved equipment for Kayaks and Canoes

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