Saturday, July 20, 2024

July 16 Union Bay to Sandy Island paddle


July 16 Paddle from Union Bay to Sandy Island


Walter Ilenseer led 11 PGOSA Paddlers on a paddle from Union Bay to Sandy Island. The trip started in calm conditions


 as they crossed Baynes Sound.


They first headed to the Sandy Islets located north of Sandy Island. 


At their destination they viewed many seals relaxing in the water. The winds picked up and the seas did get rough for awhile. The group then turned around and the conditions calmed down as they headed to Sandy Island. 


They took in the sunny weather while enjoying their lunches on the beach at the Provincial Marine Park.


The afternoon was spent crossing Baynes Sound to return to Union Bay.


 In total they paddled 14 km.


Photos contributed by Penny Vanson.

Report by Walter Ilenseer and Jim Swanson

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